Date: 04/02/2015
Feedback Given By: User_4168
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Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $25.00
Project Summary: Abstract The abstract is a one-paragraph concise summary (150-250 words) of the research paper. The abstract should summarize the key information from the paper and not simply list the topics discussed. For this assignment, clearly and concisely define the disease or condition. Highlight the most important statistics on prevalence of the disease or condition. List the most commonly affected organ systems and a brief statement of how they are affected. Finally, summarize any available treatments. Paper Title The body of the research paper starts here and should be 1000-1500 words in length. Each new paragraph is indented and the template is set to do this automatically. Use the bold headings included in the template to organize the paper. The topic for this assignment can be any disease or condition of the human body. Begin the body of the paper with a one-paragraph introduction on the topic. The reference list at the end of the paper must include at least five credible, current, and appropriate sources. The general format for citations within the text is (Author, date). Use direct quotations sparingly and only when the authors exact words are needed to make the point. Use quotation marks and cite in-text (Author, Date, p. #). Otherwise, summarize the authors information and cite in-text (Author, Date). Every in-text citation should have a complete citation in the reference list, and every listed reference should have at least one in-text citation. Description In this section, provide a thorough description of the disease or condition. How is it diagnosed? What are the impacts for individuals living with this disease or condition? Current Statistics Describe the current statistics affected by the disease or condition. Focus on the key statistics rather than providing every number available. Explain why these numbers are important. Anatomy & Physiology Explain how the various body systems are affected by the disease or condition. Discuss which body systems are affected and be specific on how the disease or condition affects the function of the organ system. What is the overall effect of the disease or condition on homeostasis? Treatments Describe any medications or treatments that are available for this disease or condition. Is a cure available? Be sure to briefly describe how they work. Relate this to the relevant A&P using correct terminology. Conclusion End the paper with a one-paragraph summary on the topic.