Date: 12/11/2024
Feedback Given By: malageel
Feedback Comment: perfect!!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: tectutorz
Total payment made for this project was: $20.19
Project Summary: You are the manager of a busy hospital unit. Your unit has been tasked with selecting and implementing upgraded technology on your hospital unit. As the unit manger, address the following in your selection of technology and implementation plan: Examine the features of the new technology that are important in reducing or preventing errors and adverse events on your unit. Discuss in detail the intended uses and benefits of these tools and technology. Discuss, in a strategic plan of action, the steps and measures you will take to implement the new technology on your unit. Be sure to discuss the individuals responsible for implementing and overseeing each step of the process. Analyze the challenges that are anticipated with implementing the new technology and create a plan to mitigate these challenges.