Date: 29/06/2024
Feedback Given By: kadry11
Feedback Comment: recommend her
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: firstclasstutor
Total payment made for this project was: $25.24
Project Summary: Unit 7 Assignment: The Final Research Paper Assignment Instructions Your final research is an 7-10 page (roughly 2400-2500 words) double-spaced paper (excluding cover and Works Cited/Reference). Students are to adhere to size 12 font in Arial, Times New Roman or similar font, with 1” pagination. Keep in mind that your instructor’s directions must primarily be followed. This paper is well-revised for proper use of documentation and other elements of writing well addressed throughout the course. It reflects your stance/claim on an issue with embedded expert views. COVER PAGE Name, course, date or semester, instructor’s name—upper left hand corner (size 12 font) Title is centered (with larger font—16-20) and should be reflective of your issue; you may include a picture, but it must directly relate to your topic. After 2-3 line spaces, begin your Abstract. Bold and left flush the word ABSTR The topic about the immigration in united states :