Date: 16/03/2024
Feedback Given By: realquinn
Feedback Comment: Excellent work!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: firstclasstutor
Total payment made for this project was: $30.29
Project Summary: Select a mental disorder that you would like to know more about. It should be a disorder from the DSM-5. Write a scholarly 5 pages research paper including the following points: 1. Briefly state the disorder and describe how it presents (no more than one page). 2. Summarize and critique one theory that explains the disorder. 3. Summarize the most effective treatment methods for the disorder. Include brief description of the treatment and what research has found about the effectiveness of the treatment with the disorder. Include both quantitative and qualitative research, consumer perspectives, and practice wisdom. 4. Discuss any controversies related to the diagnosis (e.g. ethical issues), what you see as future needs related to treatment and research on the disorder, and what it is important for counselors to know.