Date: 29/01/2024
Feedback Given By: KymmberliS
Feedback Comment: Great work
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Herbert
Total payment made for this project was: $30.90
Project Summary: Review all 10 standards in the rubrics and write about them separately for a post discussion from the rubrics (discuss ideas, problems, and solutions in applying the ten standards described in the Clinical Rubric to their own teaching practice) Write for each standard, explaining how you will apply it in your classroom during the clinical practice. It should detail how you will apply the standard to the subject area and grade level that you will be teaching during the clinical practice. Include any questions about that specific standard. You may also share an idea of how to present this standard. You will be presenting these standards to your cohort in the Virtual Classroom in the upcoming weeks of your clinical practice.