Date: 31/12/2023
Feedback Given By: Deon3
Feedback Comment: Did a great job on the assignment. Highly Recommended
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: annewriter
Total payment made for this project was: $45.43
Project Summary: OCCUPATIONAL NEEDS ANALYSIS, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND PROGRAM. Develop a report that details the physical and mental demands for a specific occupation, associated ergonomics, and training for improved performance. The questions below should be addressed when developing your recommendations and a fully developed physical training plan/program. Tables and figures are optional but may prove beneficial to layout the training plan and programs, at-risk positions, and display of additional information. Minimum of 5 peer-reviewed articles. You will choose the tests to be used, equipment needed, and the overall benefit to the employee and company. (About 15-20 pages)