Date: 06/10/2023
Feedback Given By: ibuslo7
Feedback Comment: Good work
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $30.29
Project Summary: Assignment no (1) Write an introduction to your research paper (just 2-3 A4 papers) including the following elements:  Research title,  Introduction that answers four main questions: 1) what are you studying? (background about the topic) 2) Why is it important to investigate this topic? 3) What do you know about this topic before you do this study? (Summarize previous studies about the topic in a manner that lays a foundation for understanding the research problem/gap) 4) How will this study advance new knowledge? Explain how your study specifically addresses gaps in the literature.  Research aim/purpose,  Research questions,  Research significance Assignment no (2) Write the literature review section of your research paper (just 2-3 A4 papers) using the attached template. • • Attached are: o The assignment scoring rubric. o Handout (2) example literature review.