Date: 30/03/2012
Feedback Given By: bag1298
Feedback Comment: The homework was very well written and done a day early....very pleased...thank you homework_nerd
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Homework_Nerd
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: Watch Video and answer the questions. Login and PW will be given to who I assign homework to. 1. Go to www.coursecompass.com. 2. Find the heading “Student” in the bottom right column and click on “Log in.” 3. Enter your Login Name and Password, then click “Log in.” 4. In the left column, find the heading “Courses,” then scroll down and click on “MyLabSchool.” (It will be in bold letters.) 5. In the new window that opens, find the blue navigation bar on the left and click on “MyLabSchool.” 6. Select the group of videos for this domain. Video title: memory QUESTIONS TO ANSWER: Describe the observed teaching situation, including visual aids, seating arrangement, and any additional criteria necessary to present the learning environment. Describe how the observed teacher analyzes student performance and then adjusts instruction based on student performance during instruction. Explain the purpose of the observed teacher’s adjustment in instruction. Explain how the observed teacher’s adjustment of instruction relates to the level of student performance. Assess the effectiveness of the observed teacher’s interactive instruction as it relates to student performance. Explain the thinking process you went through to complete this evaluation. Describe an alternative method of analysis the observed teacher could have used to gauge student performance during instruction. Justify your choices of recommendations. Explain what you considered as you formulated ideas regarding personal and/or professional implications.