Date: 26/06/2023
Feedback Given By: sunnib
Feedback Comment: love your work thank you
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: firstclass
Total payment made for this project was: $15.14
Project Summary: I have a discussion assignment due this sunday 6/4 . I would like for it to be done by tomorrow night 6/3. This is for my PHI 110 class. Th book we are reading is called Whats Wrong by David Boonin. The Reading assignments are 1. Is abortion wrong? pgs 58-84; 2. Is killing nonhuman animals wrong? pgs 108-130; 3.Is antioch's sexual offense policy wrong? pgs 217-232 EACH RESPONSE SHOULD BE 10 SENTENCES LONG INCLUDING REFERENCES FROM THE READING TO MAKE YOUR POINT.