Date: 03/01/2015
Feedback Given By: User_6396
Feedback Comment: on time good work
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: mikwai
Total payment made for this project was: $45.00
Project Summary: The Title will be ( The Profits of Airlines) the total length of the research project is eight pages of actual text and analysis, not including title or works cited pages. The project must have a title page and a works cited page and generally follow APA format. The idea with using the APA format is to make the paper look "university quality." The project is to be in 12 point, double-spaced Times New Roman font. It is not necessary to use footnotes or endnotes; simply provide a citation in parentheses. Your project must have at least 6 sources not to include the textbook or an encyclopedia (including websites such as Wikipedia or Investopedia). Online resources are acceptable as long as they are scholarly in nature.