Date: 03/04/2023
Feedback Given By: NayaB04
Feedback Comment: Didn't give 11 stars this week because he or she didn't communicate that he or she didn't have the resources that was needed to complete the assignment. Which made me think how did he or she did some of my other assignments without the same resources that was given. That lead he or she to having to complete and submit the assignment late which will result in a late grade. Clear communication is best.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $40.38
Project Summary: Your written assignment is to submit a paper on juvenile case laws. Based on the nature of this topic, it is anticipated that a thorough examination will result in approximately 5-7 pages of text, not including your cover page, abstract, and references. You must cite a minimum of two (2) scholarly resources in the body of your paper. Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Spaced Style: All papers must include a cover page, abstract, and reference page. Citation Style: APA will be utilized for all papers. Please make sure that you are meeting all of the requirements outlined in the Assignment Requirements. (Neubauer, D. and Fradella, H. (2017). America's courts and the criminal justice system (13th ed.). Cengage Chapter 4: Juvenile Courts)