Date: 13/03/2023
Feedback Given By: Neinocm
Feedback Comment: Excellent Work
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: surrogatewriter
Total payment made for this project was: $40.38
Project Summary: i need an assignment done on a Specific Program Plan designed around basketball. The Assignment Instructions below, and there is an example assignment that was given to us attached in the files. SPP - PART I (25 points) The Program Plan: Include the following sections: 1. Program Name and Statement of Purpose (1 point) 2. Program Objectives (TPO’s, EO’s, and PM’s) (15 points)  Develop 3 TPO’s for the program (1.5 points)  For each TPO, develop 3 EO’s to complete each TPO (4.5 points)  For each EO, develop the necessary PM’s to demonstrate each EO (9 points) 3. Content and Process Descriptions (9 points)  Choose any THREE of your EO’s and develop a corresponding content and process description for an individual treatment session. (You will submit a completed CPD for each of the three sessions)  Each CPD should be in a table format .The completed program should include title page, table of contents, reference list, appendices.