Date: 24/02/2023
Feedback Given By: tayanna
Feedback Comment: $30.29 Wasted, to say the least! She failed to follow instructions attached to the assignment. No point of view listed on the essay , just a bunch of unnecessary words to make 1100.I had to rewrite the whole essay. So disappointing.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: firstclasstutor
Total payment made for this project was: $30.29
Project Summary: In “The Yellow Wallpaper” and “Rose for Emily” the theme of traditions in society and how they affect the individual are laid out quite heavily for the reader. Do both authors feel the same about the importance and the effect of these traditions? Do you agree with their assessment? Do they feel that traditions are generally positive? Should we change traditions? If so, how do we? Your assignment is to read Rose for Emily and The Yellow Wallpaper,. While reading, try to determine what the "point" of each story is. Why is the author telling the story? What "truth" is embedded in the lines written? We are going to be examining the how traditions shape and affect society, as well as how traditions shape and affect the individual. 1000 Word Minimum MLA Format