Date: 26/01/2023
Feedback Given By: NayaB04
Feedback Comment: Great presentation you delivered.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $25.24
Project Summary: This discussion assignment requirement has two (2) components, a video presentation, and a written overview. (I will do the video myself) You are the new director of the Office of Citizen Complaints, the governmental agency that receives, reviews, and acts on complaints against law enforcement officers in your jurisdiction. You are giving a speech before the officers of the police department in your jurisdiction, local politicians, interested citizens, and members of your staff regarding issues of citizen complaints, police misconduct, and the investigation of citizen complaints by your office. You are planning to explain your approach as the new director of the Office of Citizen Complaints and are going to give attention to the following issues: