Date: 14/01/2023
Feedback Given By: NayaB04
Feedback Comment: Great work
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $40.38
Project Summary: Written assignment is to submit a paper evaluating the cases below. It is anticipated that a thorough examination will result in 2-3 pages of text for EACH of the following, not including your cover page, abstract, and references. You must cite a minimum of two (2) scholarly resources in the body of your paper for this entire assignment, not each individual case. Arial, 12-Point, Double-Spaced. In both of the cases below, individuals are making decisions that appear to be at odds with general social ethic. Examine each of these two cases using your reading materials incorporating all of the following: (1.) Virtue Ethics of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle (2.) Ethics of Formalism and the works of Emmanuel Kant (3.) Utilitarianism and the works of John Stuart Mill (4.) Using all of the ethical models presented, critically examine these hypothetical situations to determine if there are any circumstances under which the behavior could be viewed as ethical.