Date: 21/12/2022
Feedback Given By: anastasia16
Feedback Comment: Good work!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: godwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $181.73
Project Summary: Data Analytics Homework, able to do in R studio or Python. Introduction The ability to get a good night’s sleep is correlated with many positive health outcomes. The NHANES data set in the NHANES package contains a binary variable SleepTrouble that indicates whether each person has trouble sleeping. Sleep For each of the following models: Build a classifier for SleepTrouble Report its effectiveness on the NHANES training data Make an appropriate visualization of the model Interpret the results. What have you learned about people’s sleeping habits? You may use whatever variable you like, except for SleepHrsNight. Models: Null model Logistic regression Decision tree Random forest Neural network (optional Repeat the previous exercise, but now use the quantitative response variable SleepHrsNight. Build and interpret the following models: Null model Multiple regression Regression tree Random forest (REST OF ASSIGNMMENT WILL BE UPLOADED