Date: 18/02/2015
Feedback Given By: User_4818
Feedback Comment: The best trustful and finish before the due
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: expert4u
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: I need Journal like the example with different subject High school level IT Journal entry - Hardware Here is an example of the one pager that I am looking for. It will be due Tuesday Feb 17th at midnight Please give me a couple of paragraphs under each section. You are free to choose your subject hardware some ideas that come to mind are Input devices, keyboards, touch screens, etc. Output devices, printers, flash drives, etc... Processing hardware, netbooks, smart phones, workstations, tablets, etc... ***Information Technology What Technology Hardware are you discusssing (example: Tablets) ***Technology Definition Here is where you put your example you are discussing (example: Explanation of what a tablet is, what it does, how it is different from a desktop or laptop) ****Business Application(s) How/Why is this hardware a viable piece of business hardware, why would anyone use it, what is the value, what are the pitfalls. ****Business/Society Implication How has this Hardware technology changed the way business works. ****Sources: Any supporting material you may have read to craft your response