Date: 22/06/2022
Feedback Given By: Sunshine89
Feedback Comment: The tutor started off great! Did work very well! Tutor then messaged me on WhatsApp outside of the group advising me that the work was more than expected. To be fair agreed to pay extra even through PayPal as tutor requested. Tutor tried to ask me for more money again and I declined . Tutor then asked me to send money even after work was not completed I also declined. Since then the tutor refused to finish my work and even stated I was scamming them and being rude and would report me to my institution! I paid only the initial agreement ($55) bc the tutor did start majority of my work and did well. Edit: the tutor went in and failed my exam. And said I only paid for quizzes . Bc I refused to send extra money with work not being completed
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: waiganjo70
Total payment made for this project was: $55.53
Project Summary: Florida real estate class /exam class