Date: 22/04/2022
Feedback Given By: lakisha_victorian
Feedback Comment: Very fast writer! He is the best! Got an A
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $20.19
Project Summary: After you take the quizzes, you will need to reflect on your results in a 2-page response paper. Review what chapter 7 states about stress responses in adulthood as well as personality types in adulthood. What are your current stress levels? Are you currently at risk of developing hypertension? Heart disease? Why or why not? What is your stress management style? What is your personality? How do you rank on each of the BIG 5 personality traits (OCEAN)? How is your personality profile reflected in your stress levels? Do you consider yourself to be Type A? Type B? Type C?