Date: 21/04/2022
Feedback Given By: lg2814867
Feedback Comment: Very well written, sticks to the assignment and she was very punctual!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: superbwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $15.14
Project Summary: analysis of the book Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson and a comparison of that book with Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. Students will submit in class a hard copy of a 7-10 page paper that discusses these elements: mass incarceration, the school to prison pipeline, and the prison-industrial complex focusing on examples Stevenson uses and current illustrations of racism in our society, e.g. the Black Lives Matter movement. Consider comparisons between the Black Codes, Jim Crow and life chances today for people of color in the U.S. and compare them to the era Harper Lee described. At least six (6) professional journal articles should be used to develop your position, e.g. American Sociological Review, Social Forces, Social Problems, Foreign Affairs. Also acceptable are magazines like, The Nation, The Atlantic, New York Magazine, and the New Yorker.