Date: 14/04/2022
Feedback Given By: joppong1
Feedback Comment: Rude tutor, however did do quality work, just wouldn't hire again.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $75.72
Project Summary: After listening to the audio file in the google doc : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HOjrpjewuhp99FAGmYNqdfeemcppZHRO/view?usp=sharing reference to textbook: https://recursos2puntocero.com/recursos/bibliotecav/librosescaneados/BV-How%20to%20Get%20Ideas%20-%20Second%20Edition%20-%20Jack%20Foster%20(Berrett-Koehler%20Publishers)%20-%202007%20%5B1576754308%5D.pdf 1. Analyze the 9 techniques when discussing innovation, while providing examples in relation to the hospitality and tourism sector. Each technique should be 350-500 words