Date: 26/02/2022
Feedback Given By: jc53dm
Feedback Comment: awesome job
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: expert4u
Total payment made for this project was: $15.14
Project Summary: In Week 1, you were asked to create a Business Intelligence Development Plan for a local organization. Each week, you added a section to the plan and submitted it for grading. The following is a summary of the components of this plan that have already been completed: Business Intelligence Justification (Week 1 IP) Business Performance Plan (Week 2 IP) Business Performance Methodologies (Week 3 IP) Data Classification And Visualization Assessment (Week 4 IP) Based on the feedback that you received from students and the instructor, make any changes that you deem necessary to plan the components that you have completed thus far. Conclude this plan by completing the final portion of the project as follows: