Date: 07/12/2021
Feedback Given By: Michaelwalker
Feedback Comment: I used this person to help with an assignment and the after I submitted the paperwork for plagiarism, it was 60 percent plagiarized. I would like to say this hopefully this is a one time thing but I would not use this person again. My grade went from an A to C on this assignment.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: lawriekaks
Total payment made for this project was: $15.14
Project Summary: During the course, you have applied a variety of methods to analyze data sets and uncover important information used in decision making. Having a good understanding of these topics is important to be able to apply them in real-life applications. Below are some of the key elements that were discussed throughout this course. Analyze each of the elements below. In your analyzation, consider and discuss the application of each of these course elements in analyzing and making decisions about data. Incorporate real-life applications and scenarios. The course elements include: Probability Distribution Uncertainty Sampling Statistical Inference Regression Analysis Time Series Forecasting Methods Optimization Decision Tree Modeling The paper must (a) apply and reference new learning to each of the ten course elements, (b) build upon class activities or incidents that facilitate