Project Summary: Team Process Paper (8 pgs.-20% of grade) Each individual will hand in one paper that focuses on the process of your Learning Team over the trimester (Note: this paper is not written by the team). The paper should focus on the group and team development concepts. You will describe your team, explain its development and articulate the impact of the team experience on you as a person. As you look back over the trimester and explain how your team behaved and performed, it is likely that you will gain added insight about teams in general. You are also likely to gain insight into your own style of interacting in various team roles and settings. The purpose of this individually written assignment is to review the evolution of your learning team so that you can gain new insight about how to develop effective teams in the future. Organize this paper into the five sections outlined below. Give equal emphasis to each part of your paper. Include the theoretical/conceptual basis for your description and analysis and reference them in your paper. 1. What happened within your learning team? You are expected to write about most of the following: A. Group goals and objectives B. Cohesiveness C. Norms D. Communication patterns and characteristics (including how feelings were handled) E. Division of labor and roles F. Leadership and influence G. Handling of disagreement and conflict H. Management of the group process I. Other issues which you may see as being important Describe the evolution of the above characteristics from the early life of the team through the middle and into the final phases of your team experience. 2. Using examples from your experience, illustrate why these characteristics emerged and changed as they did in terms of the interaction of: A. Background factors of the individuals B. The required activities of structures of the course C. Key events and/or other influences 3. What are the consequences for the team? Describe and explain the consequences of this emergent system for group productivity, satisfaction, and growth throughout the trimester. 4. What were the consequences for you? Describe and explain: A. Your individual behavior as a member of the team in terms of your values, beliefs, goals and competencies. B. The consequences for your learning and growth as a person and leader/manager. Spend some time with this part of the paper. What have you learned about yourself and others that you can put to work to meet your goals for your life and your work? What are you next steps in this kind of learning? (Be specific here. Relate what you write to your analysis of your behavior and experiences in the team.) 5. What are the implications of this teams dynamics for teams in the workplace? How can you apply what you learned about yourself or teams in your current work situation? Are there some principles that can be generalized to teams regardless of setting were any of the theories you studied reinforced? Since University uses teams in many classes, what can you apply to your next team in this program? Notes: 1- Please use APA format for all papers. 2- I will download file consists of two pages consider abbreviation of this paper. 3- free plagiarism is mandatory. therefore, do not let me down when i assign you.