Date: 08/08/2021
Feedback Given By: briana42
Feedback Comment: Great work!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $30.29
Project Summary: TIP: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND FINAL SUBMISSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS For the final part of this project, you will complete a 1–2-page executive summary describing how every goal has been met through your Technology Implementation Plan (TIP). You must incorporate the instructor’s feedback from the previous parts of the TIP and revise accordingly. You will submit the completed TIP as one complete document along with a reference page cited in current APA format, including the sources used in the writing of the overall plan. Your TIP as a whole must incorporate at least five sources. You will be graded on both the Executive Summary individually and your TIP as a whole in this module.