Date: 22/06/2021
Feedback Given By: abaffour88
Feedback Comment: Wonderful work done. Very knowledgeable in his field
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Herbert
Total payment made for this project was: $25.24
Project Summary: 3 pages minimum (double spaced) of MATERIAL! Material General information about the bacteria What infections does it cause (Be specific)? Why does it cause these? How common is the infection? Is it a nosocomial, and how common is the nosocomial? Pathogenicity (enzymes, toxins, BIOFILMS) Where is the source (how do you get this infection)? Research (vaccines, therapies) Antibiotic resistance and treatment (Be specific)? Is it in the community, is it different than the nosocomial? Resistance to cleaners and why? Anything else that is health and wellness related? Can it be good for us? NOT MATERIAL Lists (listing all the diseases/infections it can cause without details, or antibiotic treatments) Title page and bibliography General information (though it might be needed to make the paper flow)