Date: 09/05/2021
Feedback Given By: barbaramemuna
Feedback Comment: Great and done on time
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: firstclass
Total payment made for this project was: $15.14
Project Summary: In this article, Gates makes the following comment: "'Race' as a meaningful criterion within the biological sciences has long been recognized to be a fiction. When we speak of the 'white' race' or the 'black race,' the 'Jewish race' or the 'Aryan race', we speak in misnomers, biologically, and in metaphors, more generally." Notice how Gates deploys his language here: "Biology" is tied to "fiction"; "race" is a "misnomer". If this is true, why is race so much a part of our language? and even more important, why is it always seen as something it is not. Black is not white, Jewish is not Aryan. Somehow all of this has been mixed up with identity, not so much as who we are, but who we think we are. That's what is so interesting about the show "Ancestry." Write a 1 1/2 based on reading and the videos link below, answer "Is theory white?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlWGN5TOY-M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuBNtYGWRyU&t=4s