Date: 19/04/2021
Feedback Given By: mkepenian
Feedback Comment: Very well with communication. He was always available to respond on time! great work!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: wekeh
Total payment made for this project was: $35.34
Project Summary: Museum The Getty Villa Pontormo,​ Portrait of a Halberdie​r (1529–1530). Online choice #1 choice: ​Jacques-Louis David,​ Napoleon Crossing the Alps​ (1801-1805). #2 choice: Edouard Manet, ​Boy with a Sword ​(1861). Museum The Getty Villa Pontormo,​ Portrait of a Halberdie​r (1529–1530). Online choice #1 choice: ​Jacques-Louis David,​ Napoleon Crossing the Alps​ (1801-1805). #2 choice: Edouard Manet, ​Boy with a Sword ​(1861).