Date: 13/01/2021
Feedback Given By: kingjalan1991
Feedback Comment: We bend but we never break .. amazing work as always thank you
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $25.24
Project Summary: Name one company (apart from the six listed in your READ assignment) that has either gone out of business, filed for bankruptcy, or otherwise failed within the past five years. What led to the failure of this company? How could the company have applied the fundamentals of strategic management to avoid the failure? In your response, cite and apply key concepts from your READ assignment. Please do not discuss business failures that resulted from the Covid-19 pandemic. Respond to the discussion question by Wednesday at 11:59 pm CST, with a minimum of 250 words and 2 scholarly sources. Respond to 2 classmates by Sunday at 11:59 pm CST with posts that are at least 75 words long. Reply to two of your classmates, in the following format: John, one point I found intriguing about your post was_______. I found this point intriguing because_______. Something I thought you could have made clearer was ________. The reason I found this part to be unclear was___________.