Date: 03/12/2020
Feedback Given By: lubenservil5
Feedback Comment: Good job
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Thetutor
Total payment made for this project was: $40.19
Project Summary: Final Product is to be a 6-8 page paper on your recommendations for your Case Company. This could be no shorter than 6 pages but cannot exceed 8 pages (double spaced, Times New Roman, 12). The page count does not include title page, table of contents, references or appendices. (12%). This is to be a report on the goal, its importance, why the company should care and how this company can move toward making a difference in this area. Think of yourself as a consultant hired to help the company meet the chosen goal. You will need to make a case as to why they need to change and how they can change. In this type of report, you want to give the organization options. Usually a report would have three potential courses of action that vary in scale, complexity and cost. Think of it as a small budget change (little disruption), a moderately budget change (moderately disruptive) and a large budget change (disruptive). No Poverty Gender Equality Zero hunger Above are the 3 topic choices