Date: 03/12/2020
Feedback Given By: kthomas62
Feedback Comment: I highly recommend. I received an A on my essay!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: tectutorz
Total payment made for this project was: $20.10
Project Summary: Your assignment this week will involve some research into the controversial area of pharmaceutical pricing. Leave your politics behind on this assignment - I only want to hear from health economists here. As you have heard in the media and in the lesson this week, pharmaceutical companies have exhibited markups for their products that rival what I did with the $50 aspirin in hospitals back in the 80s. Many politicians and consumer advocates have argued that the Federal government should either regulate pharmaceutical prices or at least negotiate prices for the Medicare Part D program. I want you to examine the idea of negotiating prices for pharmaceuticals under the Medicare Part D program. Currently Federal law prohibits the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services from negotiating with pharmaceutical manufacturers for lower prices. Should that change? Or, is it better left the way things are now?