Date: 16/11/2020
Feedback Given By: briana42
Feedback Comment: Great discussion. Thanks
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: firstclasstutor
Total payment made for this project was: $15.07
Project Summary: Purpose Statement : The purpose of this study will be to determine if students who are enrolled in school online (virtual) have more mental health issues than students enrolled in person. Research Question : Will students enrolled online suffer more from mental health issues than students in seat? Due to COVID-19 our children and students have went from in person to either online or hybrid education. The transition to online learning has impacted not only educators, who have had to alter their classes but also students who have had to adjust to a new learning environment. Due to these changes the students have been affected mentally and physically. The students do not get the time to digress in between classes, they don't get to go to physical education or even interact with their peers. Since the students are going through these changes it has been noticed that their sleep cycles have changed and a significant increase in digital use.