Date: 09/11/2020
Feedback Given By: dayjalowe12
Feedback Comment: I received an F on my assignment. She uploaded the work well after the due date and was trying to sue me for $20 because I didn’t want to pay for the poor work. Very unprofessional.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $20.10
Project Summary: Your assignment for this unit is to convert the work breakdown structure (WBS) you created into a functioning Microsoft (MS) Project file using the version of MS Project. You will enter your task, sub-tasks, milestones, and task duration data previously created in MS Excel and generate a project plan that is capable of displaying a Gantt chart that shows the project schedule from start to finish as well as a critical path method (CPM) network diagram that depicts task dependencies and the project’s projected critical path. Save your project to your computer as a .mpp file. In a separate Word document, create a one-page reflection paper that discusses how this plan will support the project manager’s overall management of this particular project. As a part of your summary section, discuss any problems, observations, and/or recommendations you may have regarding your experience in creating this MS Project. No title page or reference page is required.