Date: 10/04/2014
Feedback Given By: hulk1970
Feedback Comment: always excellent work
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Javawriter
Total payment made for this project was: $10.00
Project Summary: Anadarko CEO, Jim Hackett on "Tough People Decisions http://kucourses.com/ec/media/store/mediagrad/video/hackett/hackett_10.html You are required to watch the video and take notes. You will post your response, and then participate with the instructor and your classmates to share insights and opinions. 1.To be a true strategic partner, does HR need to take on a more generalized or specialized approach to work? Why? You will post your initial responses to the question and then participate with the instructor and your classmates to share insights and opinions with a minimum of two follow-up postings.