Project Summary: *MUST HAVE READ JOHN DEWEY - EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION* Once you have your interview completed, you then need to connect what you discovered and what the interviewee said to key components found within Dewey’s text. Put in your own reflection and critique about the subject’s responses to your questions, and connect them to Dewey’s main points. How does the information provided by the interviewee connect to Dewey’s perceptions on education and contemporary schools in the United States? What parts of the interview have a direct connection to Dewey? What was not even mentioned? Why? Deliverables: For this project, you need to turn in: The school name, school district and e-mail address for your interview subject A 3-5 page written summary (double-spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins on all sides) that brings about your perspective, the linkage to Dewey and a critique about what was said during your interview and how it connects to American education history and