Date: 30/06/2020
Feedback Given By: aj1016
Feedback Comment: I could not have found a better person to have assisted me with my homework tasks. She has always been on time and to the point with the assignment request. Thank you PROFESSORANNCARRI for your diligence and concentration to detail......
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $40.19
Project Summary: The assignment below is a discussion board assignment and NOT an APA paper. Please provide a substantial response to generate dialogue which lead into other discussions. Please include in-text citations as needed with references. An additional response will be require from two other discussion board comments (from student and/or professor as noted). Compensation is included in the bid for this assignment. This is a graduate class - Employment Law... Discussion beng on Discrimintaion Three (3) stgrong paragraphs for main post and two (2) paragraphs for the responses Objective of the discussion points: Evaluate the legal liability of noncompliance. Explain the federal laws and regulations pertaining to employee workplace rights.