Date: 29/06/2020
Feedback Given By: kingdiya101
Feedback Comment: will use again
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $15.07
Project Summary: Assignment Reducing Recidivism with Evidence-Based Approaches The criminal justice system aims to deter individuals from initially committing crime. However, the system must also endeavor to prevent those who have been convicted of a crime and released from recommitting crimes and returning to prison. Current research shows a high rate of recidivism, with as many as 43% of felons being rearrested while still on parole (Petersillia 2011). However, researchers are not only recognizing a problem but are also looking for solutions as they search for empirically based methods to reduce recidivism. Through their work, they call-in to question early research that suggests reducing recidivism through treatment is unlikely.