Date: 26/06/2020
Feedback Given By: l
Feedback Comment: Really understanding.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Robert_d_308
Total payment made for this project was: $15.07
Project Summary: Think of your project as part of a guidebook that offers a “soundtrack” to the city. Through your scholarly essay, you’ll want to offer your readers an in-depth discussion of specific songs that reflect or represent Los Angeles in some way. Through this analysis, your larger argument will help readers better understand how music offers a meaningful understanding (or an experience) of Los Angeles. The first step is to decide on a focus. You’ll need an angle to help narrow the scope of your project. Choose from one of the following ways to focus: • Pick a specific neighborhood or community in LA and discuss how particular songs represent or reference that neighborhood/community. • Look into the ways specific songs represent or reflect a particular culture (other than your own) in LA. Culture in this case could mean ethnicity or country of origin. It could also mean a subculture that revolves around an activity or place • Investigate songs