Date: 29/05/2020
Feedback Given By: tiffani2019
Feedback Comment: He is fast and does great. Thank you buddy
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: WBURO
Total payment made for this project was: $20.10
Project Summary: This assignments have 4 parts -part 1 is the assignment posted -part 2 BASELINE PHASE REPORT INSTRUCTIONS -part 3 TREATMENT PHASE REPORT INSTRUCTIONS -part 4 POWERPOINT The same person can work through them, or I can chose others just let me know. For the whole 4 parts I'm willing to pay $50-60 for the whole thing, it will be broken down by assignments. Must follow directions and have it back in time. FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT IM ONLY WILLING TO PAY $20 IM NOT GOING HIGHER, IT HAVE 4 PARTS, THIS IS ONLY PART 1