Date: 24/05/2020
Feedback Given By: alicetravis87
Feedback Comment: awsome work always sends a report to let you know everything that is written is 100% not copied from the internet
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $20.10
Project Summary: Discuss the roles of public relations within an organization? Select a company and research it paying particular attention to its public relations efforts. Identify and describe some of the proactive PR that has been done for the company to establish and maintain a favorable image. Then identify and describe the company’s crisis management PR. How have their PR specialists tried to put a good face on bad news? Be specific and provide EXAMPLES. Scholarly research on public relations and crisis management from the online Bethel Library must be included in your work. Be sure all posts meet or exceed required word counts.