Date: 19/05/2020
Feedback Given By: cnomah1992
Feedback Comment: Great programming. The time was short, but he submitted a quality work.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Javawriter
Total payment made for this project was: $120.58
Project Summary: Enterprise java programming using Net-beans Design an online DVD shopping Web application for your friend using java web technologies (JSPs,Servlets and ORM tool) to keep track of its DVDs and customers. Your application should be able to perform the following operations: a) Rent a DVD ; that is, check out a DVD . b) Return, or check in, a DVD c) Create a list of DVDs owned by the store d) Show the details of a particular DVD e) Print a list of all of the DVDs in the store f) Maintain a customer database g) Print a list of all of the DVDs rented by each customer