Project Summary: ntroduction This assignment, encourages you to look at how reflected appraisals can and often do influence your self-concept. The Assignment To understand how reflected appraisals have influenced your self-concept, try this exercise and write a response containing the results with sources from the readings to clarify what you found. First, list five words that describe how you see yourself. Examples are “responsible,” “ambitious,” “introverted,” “clumsy,” “funny,” “intelligent,” “shy,” and “athletic.” Next, identify the particular people who have been and are especially significant in your life. Try to list at least five people who matter to you. Now, think about how these special people communicated to you about the traits you listed in the first step. How did they express their appraisals of what you defined as important parts of yourself? Can you trace how you see yourself to the appraisals reflected by particular others in your life?