Date: 05/03/2020
Feedback Given By: briana42
Feedback Comment: This paper was awesome! Great work and followed all directions!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: queen
Total payment made for this project was: $50.24
Project Summary: Create a 7–10-page paper that discusses the content competency areas identified as in need of strengthening in order to complete program requirements. The paper must include the following: • A brief description of the competency (or competencies) you addressed throughout the course. • A discussion of how your plan for competency improvement was followed. • A discussion of the outcomes of your efforts to follow the plan and what you learned as a result of following the plan. • A discussion of your findings from the resources (at least 3) you contacted or reviewed, and an explanation as to how the information you obtained from those resources did or did not serve to assist you in completing the plan for strengthening the identified competency. • A description as to how what you learned ties into biblical teachings. Include at least 1 reference to a Bible verse or Bible-related resource (you do not need to write out the entire scripture, but you do need to cite the verse and