Date: 25/02/2020
Feedback Given By: aj1016
Feedback Comment: Another job well done. Thank you
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $80.38
Project Summary: UNIT 5 - APA PAPER - 10-12 PAGES (7 scholarly academic/professional sources published in the last 5 yrs.) PLEASE SEE INSTRUCTORS NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PAPER: Students should have a detailed report applying current working best practices for the benefits and implementation of EHR systems. A quality answer should include a background and overview of EHRs, an overview of current EHR systems, and an introduction to current mandates and applicable EHR regulation. Students should present data storage systems and concepts. Concepts should come from industry sources such as the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). Students should discuss the software and hardware needs of the organization. This includes implementation of billing software and the use of networks, cloud-based servers and other current IT trends. Students should identify and discuss in detail the various roles IT plays in health including the following areas: Ordering patient supplies