Date: 23/02/2020
Feedback Given By: shirley
Feedback Comment: God job !!!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $20.10
Project Summary: Answer Q 1. In her story, Morrison makes it clear that one of the girls is white and the other black, but she very carefully never specifies which is which. Why do you think she does this? Does it make any difference to the meaning of the story? Do you find yourself, as a reader, looking for clues to help you assign a race to these characters? If so, why? What does reading “Recitatif” tell us about the very ways in which we read? 2. In Walker’s story, do you approve of the decision the mother ultimately makes about what to do with the quilt? Why or why not? 3. Your first reading of Ralph Ellison’s "Battle Royal" is likely to focus most on its spectacular elements, namely an overt level of both sexuality and violence that still has the power to shock after more than fifty years. I think it's important that we talk about both these things: is their presence in the text justified? Why do you think Ellison includes material that is likely to offend some, perhaps many, readers?