Date: 07/02/2020
Feedback Given By: breid4843
Feedback Comment: Did not complete task in given time. I had to reach out to GOOGLESCHOLER and ask for the project. He then said he was working on the project and would have it to me in 24hr and never provided the finished product. I had to cancel my task and asked for a refund.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Brilliant Answers
Total payment made for this project was: $85.40
Project Summary: or this assignment, you’re going to begin to work on your site. Based on your storyboard and client feedback (professor’s comments), create three pages of your site that include the following: Navigation links that are consistent on all pages At least two folders in your file structure Information about the site’s purpose on the home page (named index.html) Images on at least two pages A link to a specific location on one page from a different page Two different lists Now that you have begun to write your pages in HTML, please add the following to a comment in the <head> of your work: Name, date, week #, class with section, and campus # (i.e. CIS273001VA016)