Date: 05/11/2019
Feedback Given By: andrewcalvin59
Feedback Comment: The Work was a little late but I was still able to submit my assignment in on time so no harm there, the assignment was very similar to another one I read online but there was extra work added in and change of wording done.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Topwrite
Total payment made for this project was: $30.14
Project Summary: For this assignment if you could use a company you're familiar with or if there's a company you wish to do your own research on that is fine. I believe this assignment requires a lot of work so I will leave a tip as well, as long as the work is proven to be correct. I've attached the file for the process mapping that is required for this and have inputted all the assignment instructions and requirements in the Instruction section. 5 pages is the minimum length, 1.5 spacing.