Date: 13/05/2014
Feedback Given By: jgreasy
Feedback Comment: A little hiccup but great work and very fast turn around! Will work with again!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: I need a 5 page paper (4 content, 1 ref. pg) written on a movement from modern art, include the following: Movement What is the movement about? What artistic, social, etc. factors were influencing the movement? Short bios on 3 different artists from the movement A references page with APA citations (at least 2 physical books, web sources or academic journals etc... are allowed but at least 2 physical books must be used.) The subject can either be: Realism, impressionism, post-impressionism, fauvism, expressionism, cubism, futurism, dada, surrealism, abstract expressionism. This has to go into turnitin.com so please don't recycle.