Date: 16/10/2019
Feedback Given By: mina_aziz04
Feedback Comment: Excellent work
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: proffesoranncarrl
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: You will need the following texts for this week's essay:Nancy Sommer's "I Stand Here Writing"Preview the document Mike Rose's The Mind at Work, Introduction and Chapter 1 Mike Rose's The Mind at Work, Your choice of Chapter 2, 3, or 4 As you read, look to see how each of the texts are connected. You are going to first want to revisit Sommer's piece and consider what her advice is to writers. Then, with those ideas in mind, read Rose's texts. How does he take her advice, so to speak? What connections do you see between the 2 authors?Write an essay in which you use Nancy Sommers’ advice on reading and writing to critically analyze what Mike Rose does as a writer in The Mind at Work. What do you learn about the value of reading and writing strategies, like those Sommers offers, by analyzing how Rose as a writer understands and applies such strategies and by investigating what he accomplishes through his use of such reading and writing strategies? **This paper should be 3-5 pgs