Date: 12/10/2019
Feedback Given By: alethias
Feedback Comment: Good work
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: surrogatewriter
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: Hypothesis Test - Download the data set “Airport Speeds” in your preferred technology format (StatCrunch, Statdisk, Excel). Column 2 denotes the data speeds (Mbps), taken from 50 different airports, for the carrier Verizon. Column 4 denotes the data speeds (Mbps) for the carrier AT&T from the same 50 airports. Using technology (StatCrunch, Statdisk, or Excel) compute the mean data speed for each of the two carriers, Verizon and AT&T. Provide a printout of your technology output using the Insert/Edit Image feature (no attachments!) Based on this, which carrier do you think has the faster speed? Next, using technology (StatCrunch, Statdisk, or Excel) conduct a hypothesis test to test your claim about which carrier has the faster speed. Explain which test you conducted and why that is the appropriate test for this example. Provide a printout of your technology output using the Insert/Edit Image feature (no attachments!) Explain your conclusion in statistical and non-statistica